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At the beginning of 1993 he began his career in electronic music, first as a listener in Madrid's mythical halls like New World, The Ömen, Over-Drive, Van-Vas, Epsilon and more. All this influence awakens this passion for techno and its slopes, in this time it is done with his first team to start emulating the Dj that he saw and heard so many times and so to grow every day more in technique, music culture and styles. Dj in different places of Madrid and private parties, because he never took that step to get acquainted until this very moment. He completed his DJ improvement with CRISTIAN VARELA and finished his training in electronic music production in the SGAE with programs like Logic and Reason. Promoter of small events in rooms in Madrid and surroundings and co-founder in 1999 of the collective already disappeared Creativy.  


A comienzos de 1993 empieza su andadura en la musica electronica, primero como oyente en salas miticas de Madrid como: New World, The Ömen, Over-Drive, Van-Vas, Epsilon y algunos más. Toda esta influencia despierta esta pasion por el techno y sus vertientes, en esta epoca se hace con su primer equipo para empezar a emular a los Dj que veia y oia tantas veces y asi ir creciendo cada dia más en tecnica, cultura musical y estilos. Dj en diferentes locales de Madrid y fiestas privadas ,pues nunca dio ese paso para dar a conocerse hasta este preciso momento. Completo su perfeccionamiento de Dj con CRISTIAN   VARELA  y termino su formacion de producción musical electronica en la SGAE con programas como Logic y Reason. Promotor de pequeños eventos en salas de Madrid y alrededores y cofundador en 1999 del colectivo ya desaparecido Creativy.  

Our guests can’t stop raving

about our wedding! Everyone

keeps saying that it was the




Toby & David


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Roger White, Firm CEO

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Our wedding would not have been the special day that it certainly was without you guys.

Thanks for 




Mary & Andrew



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